The BLTAD is a strategic model for advancing long-term, sustainable participation and/or success.
World Leading Model: It was adapted mainly from the Canadian Sport For Life (CS4L’s) world leading LTAD and the guidelines are based on scientific and psycho-social principles of growth and development.
Guiding Framework: It is NOT a program, but a national strategic framework to guide training programs and competitions towards achieving success in the long-term, where it counts: at the senior level.
Sport for All Ages: It is not only for Grassroots but provides guidelines for programs at ALL ages so that we can advance sport starting from the ground up: from grassroots to podium and beyond.

Success begins at the primary level by developing a variety of FUNdamental movement (i.e., run, jump, throw) and sport skills (i.e., dribble, serve, shoot).
Without FUNdamentals, children may lack the skills needed to advance in elite sport or to partake in life-long physical activity.
Learning happens through mistakes. An early focus on winning may limit room for making mistakes, learning new skills, & thus limit skill development for future success.
Over-training and Over-competing in a single sport too early may lead to injuries, burnout and early dropout from sport.
Excellence Takes Time
Learn First to Win Later
Kids Are Not Mini-Adults
They have DIFFERENT characteristics that need DIFFERENT training, and competition (not just less) and these needs change across age and people:
Two people of the same age may be of different size and learning capacity and need individualized training.
Talent Identification Takes Time
Some children develop faster than others. (De) Selecting before all have reached the growth spurt can overlook late developers.
All children should have a chance to develop, and Talent should be identified and re-assessed overtime.